Joe Thambu Shihan Seminar Indonesia
IndonesiaAs a part of Joe Thambu Shihan's Asia tour in 2023, he has been invited to teach a weekend seminar in Indonesia, hosted by Mark Hadiarja Kyoshi, Aikido Shudokan Indonesia.
As a part of Joe Thambu Shihan's Asia tour in 2023, he has been invited to teach a weekend seminar in Indonesia, hosted by Mark Hadiarja Kyoshi, Aikido Shudokan Indonesia.
As a part of his Asia tour, Joe Thambu Shihan will be teaching in Malaysia, hosted by Ramlan Ortega Shihan, Aikido Shudokan Malaysia.
Joe Thambu Shihan is much sought after in Czech Republic and has been invited to teach for a weekend seminar by Ondra Musil Shihan, Shikon Budokai Czeska Republika. If you're anywhere in western Europe, this is an easy location to […]