Seminar Tag

Joe Thambu Shihan is much sought after in Czech Republic and has been invited to teach for a weekend seminar by Ondra Musil Shihan, Shikon Budokai Czeska Republika. If you're anywhere in western Europe, this is an easy location to

Joe Thambu Shihan will be hosted by Christophe Gester Sensei, Heihokan, to teach his dynamic style of Aikido. This engaging seminar will be sure to give you plenty to work on to improve your level of Aikido.

Joe Thambu Shihan will be teaching a weekend seminar in Notthingham, United Kingdom, hosted by Tadashi Narita Kyoshi, Aikido Shoshinkan. This is a fantastic opportunity to get in-depth with Aikido to gain some insights that will improve your Aikido.

Joe Thambu Shihan will be teaching at the Summer Camp in Jizierka, Czech Republic, with other world-renowned teachers. This is a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in over a week of Aikido and take your Aikido to the next level.

Joe Thambu Shihan will be teaching with other world-renowned Aikido teachers including Chida Tsutomu Shihan, Ando Tsuneo Shihan, Jacques Payet Shihan, Robert Mustard Shihan and Jon Marshall Shihan. This is an event not to be missed as the perspectives gained,

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